Noam Ziv was established in 2007 to promote an appreciation and understanding of the inner dimension of Yiddishkeit.

The organisation aims to educate individuals to live with a deeper level of connection and meaning. 

We take pleasure in introducing you to our exceptional board, including our devoted team



We ask shailos when the need arises

Rabbi A Hassan

Lecturer, SEED UK

Rabbi Y C Horowitz

Rav Kehal V'Yoel Moshe D'Satmar, UK

Rabbi D Orzel

Rav Kehal Eitz Chaim; Rosh Kollel, Pinto Kollel

Rabbi S O Schlamme

Mashgiach, Yeshivas Shaarei Torah

Rabbi Y Wreschner

Rav Kehal Beis Mordechai, UK


Dr L Bernstein

B.Ed (Hons): MA; PhD; NPQH Currently Educational Consultant, Teacher Trainer, Eretz Yisroel

Contributing consultant before and during piloting… About

Rabbi E Cohen

Lecturer at Beis Soroh Schneirer Seminary, Manchester, UK

Supporter of the Noam Ziv vision, a wealth of experience in chinuch with both boys and girls.

Rabbi S Chrysler

Full time learning

Project and team support, proofing and locating Torah mekoros.

Mrs B Dadash

Experienced Kodesh & Treasure Hunt teacher, Eretz Yisroel

Screened first round of lessons, commenting as a class teacher. “What Shabbos is to the week, Treasure Hunt is to the chinuch system.”

Dr J Glass

MBChB MRCPsych - Psychiatrist, Medical Director of The Informed Mind Ltd

Contributed to research on evidence of mental and emotional challenges. Author.

Rabbi M Lopian

Avreich and mentor, Yeshivas Shaarei Torah, Manchester, UK

Advises Noam Ziv regarding clarification of ideas and mekoros. Parental role.

Mr S Woolfson

Strategic Advisor


We seek consultation when we feel the need arises

Mrs C B Orlinski

Menaheles of Bnos Zion de'Bobov, London

A school that has adopted a Treasure Hunt culture.

Mrs N Sher

Chartered educational psychologist BA Hons, M.ED. Psych (with distinctions) Wits., QTS, AFBPsS, CPsychol (BPS)

Educational psychologist providing much encouragement. Involved before and during the pilot process. Carried out the assessment procedure. See haskoma

Rabbi R Spitzer

Principal, Bnos Yisroel High School, Manchester, UK

Supporter of the Noam Ziv vision.

Mrs R Springer

Head of Keser Girls' School, Gateshead

Mrs Springer has a long career in chinuch and has been a headteacher for… more

Rabbi Y L Wittler

Rav Kehal Ohr Yisroel; Rosh Yeshiva, Sharei Chaim, Manchester, UK

Rabbi Dr Y Yodaiken

MA BAI (Hons) PGCE PhD (Education) LLE – Executive Headteacher of Yesoiday HaTorah Multi Academy Trust, Educational consultant, Manchester

Rabbi Yodaiken is a member of the… more


Mrs G Fisher

Trustee Parental Role

Mrs E Hoffner

Trustee, Gateshead Jewish teachers training college, PGDIP – Education

Senior Kodesh High School Educator in two Schools, Manchester… more

Mrs S Schauder

Trustee, Diploma in Early Years Education Manageress of Early Years Setting, Manchester

‘I feel passionate about helping and supporting children in their emotional and social wellbeing.’

Mr Y Steinberg

SFCT and Lead Advisor of Noam Ziv

‘I am proud to be associated with an organisation that brings so much holistic health to so many.’


Mrs S D Chrysler

Founder and Designer

South African born Sara Devora is the driving force behind Treasure Hunt… more

Dr S Knol

Project Administrator

Shoshana is an integral part of the Noam Ziv engine… more

Mrs D Englard

Graphics Designer

Devorah uses her exceptional creativity to produce… more

“…to inculcate into schoolchildren a sensitivity to the spiritual aspects of their selves and to generate within them an enthusiasm to serve Hashem and to improve their character traits… This is especially true at a time when the thrust of most of the education in our times is to inculcate the opposite notions into children, that they have no neshomos and that spiritual growth is not a goal of life.”

Rabbi A Feldman