Our aims, and what we’re here to do.

Our mission is to facilitate the teaching of Jewish children to take ownership of their spiritual growth and emotional wellbeing.

To help individuals to flourish and fulfil their potential whilst providing preventative measures for those potentially at risk.


With thanks to HKBH, heartfelt gratitude is extended to the folowing esteemed individuals – Hashem’s messengers, enabling the Noam Ziv Vision to take place:

  • Dr Fiona Aronowitz from South Africa for challenging Noam Ziv to ‘do something for the children of this generation’ together with the JEP of South Africa for funding the initial seeds of development.
  •  South African Councillor, Mr Bradford Dembo for his unrelenting encouragement to ensure this vision takes place.
  • Mr Yitzchok Steinberg, a man who cares deeply for the Yiddishkeit and wellbeing of all members of Klal Yisroel for his input and support together with the kind generosity of the SFCT enabling this profound initiative.
  • Rabbi Y Yodaiken for his breadth of vision in offering his school to pilot TH paving the way for others to follow, for endless encouragement and guidance.